Today we received our letters we wrote for our future selves. In the beginning of the term we wrote a letter saying what we what to achieve, how we will challenge ourselves. I wrote that I want to achieve all my leadership badges and I did. I also wrote that I want to challenge myself and always want to be more confident especially because I am going to Intermediate and I want to be more confident there. I am proud of myself because I achieved most of the goals and I am still working on being more confident.
I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Christmas Calculated Colouring.
Today I completed my Christmas calculated colouring. I had to try figure out the equivalent of each fraction and when I get it right there is a colour I have to colour it but I decided to do lines instead of colouring the whole thing. When I finished I saw a Christmas tree, presents, Gold star, stockings, ribbons and the fire. I really like doing activities like this. I will be showing more activities we did this week.
Friday, 7 December 2018
End Of Year Mass
Yesterday was my Graduation Mass. Since it was nearly the end of the year we did a mass for the year 6's who will have a new journey next year. This is my Art I did that was displayed in the church. We did a performance and the song was Time of our Lives by Tyrone Wells. It was a very emotional time for everyone yesterday. I remember being a year 1 being inspired by the leaders of this school and to see myself be a leader it's very hard saying goodbye to my best friends and all the special teachers. At the end of the mass I gave out 9 chocolate necklaces at the end. Good Luck to everyone that will be leaving. I will miss Good Shepherd School very much.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Making Sherbet.
Today in Science we made Sherbet. We used 4 different ingredients Citric Acid to make it tangy, Baking Soda to make it fizz in your mouth, Icing Sugar to make it sweet and Tartaric Acid to make it very sour. First Mrs Drummond made us try all these 4 ingredients let me tell you Tartaric Acid was so sour. Most of us thought it was so sour that we had to spit it out o the grass. In my group we all got to mix it and put those 4 ingredients in and we thought if something had to much or too less. At the end our Sherbet turned out so yum. It was also bubbling in our mouths. I liked the part when we got to try each other group's Sherbet. Overall I loved making this and I loved that now I know how to make sherbet.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Kia Kaha Shileds
In Room 5 we each made a shield. On these shields it said why we are unique and why Room 5 is special. This is what I wrote.
I am Unique because.
I am good at Netball
I have a very big smile
I am Tongan
I have the best friends
This is my last year in Good Shepherd School.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Yearbook 2018
This year the yearbooks were back. Since this is my last year at Good Shepherd I got the yearbook 2018. My favourite pages are the Room 5 page and the year 6's page. The year 6 page had photos when we were year 1 and next to it was the photo we took at year 6. All the photos are very cute. This page is where anyone can sign and write nice comments. Most people wrote their goodbyes and good luck to me in my next school.
Passports Activities.
In Topic we had time to do passport activities. I chose the activity where you list 15 of the best New Zealand songs for a disco. These songs include some from the early 19's and some song from the past. I also really enjoyed listening to songs I never heard.
Passport Activites.
This week I have been working on this passport activity. I did the A-Z New Zealand singers which is worth 40 points on our passports. I also did New Zealand icons next to the New Zealand singers. I really enjoyed working on this activity and learning many more New Zealand songs throughout the years.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Saint Word find.
Today in R.E we did a Saint word find. I really liked finding all the different Saints and I learnt a lot of more of saints. I found 20 Saints and I found some more words. All the Saints I found have inspired me and been my role model through my life and they still are.
Friday, 23 November 2018
This week Mr Drummond has came in and taught Room 5 all about comics. We all got to make a comic and we had to make it original. My one was about Pigcess. Pigcess is a pig half princess. My story was about when Pigcess had nothing to do so she said BACON!! and her wings came out. Pigcess decided to fly to her favourtie place. When she arrived to the farm she went straight to the muddy puddles. Pigcess just loves muddy puddles.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Bird Beak Experiment.
Today in Science we have done a experiment. We got lots of different forceps that looked like bird beaks. The reason we got different forceps because bird have different beaks and we looked at how you can pick things up with different tweezers.We first had to predict what forceps will be the best to pick up the 3 items. We got to pick up 3 things. These are what we had to pick up with the forceps:
1-Gummy worms as a worm.
2-Skittles as a berry from the bush.
3-Ripped up Paper.
1-Gummy worms as a worm.
2-Skittles as a berry from the bush.
3-Ripped up Paper.
Sunday, 18 November 2018
This Term we have all been working very hard to complete different activities from the Passport. Passports are full of fun activities. Altogether from all the activities I have earned 45 points. I will be earning more throughout the term.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Bird Research
In this Term we have all been working hard to finish our writing about a New Zealand bird we chose. I chose the Grey Warbler. I chose this bird because I never knew that much about them. My favourite part is when we wrote about their features like for a Grey Warblers it would be writing how cute they are, How fluffy they look and how tiny they are. I really enjoyed it because Mrs Drummond gathered all the writing from our class and did a girl and boy book. I really loved learning lots of more New Zealand birds.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Saints Study.
In Room 5 for All Saints day we celebrated it by choosing a Saint and studying about them. I chose St Patrick. I chose St Patrick because he is awesome and he is very brave. I also learnt lots about St Patrick and some other Saints.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Calendar Art
In Art we have been working on our Calendar Art. Some people did the Sun. I dyed the background 4 different colours Blue, Green, Pink, Orange and Yellow. Now it looks really colourful and it matches my mindfulness colouring. We have another colouring we can work on it's a lot harder. Everyone's art looks so bright and it makes me happy looking at all the different patterns.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Throughout this term we have been working on crosses. These crosses will be displayed all around our school. The whole school has made a cross. All these crosses will look so colourful and beautiful altogether.
Social Justice Week
During Social Justice Week we all picked someone to write about. We wrote why we like them, what room 5 would be like without them and we also wrote nice things about them. I chose Molly H. Molly is a kind, caring person. She is one of my best friends and she is always a nice role model for the young children.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Culture Week
During Cultural Week we have each been able to choose a culture to learn about. There are 9 different cultures. You can learn Italian, Brazilian, Filipino, Korean, French, Indian, Spanish, German and Japanese. I chose Korean because I love their movies and dances. Our teacher was Miss Evans. In our class we learn the language and on Friday each class will present something they learnt. For Korean we learnt a fan dance. Firstly we made our 2 fans and we practiced the dance. When it was Friday we performed, we also got a traditional treat it was a white round rice cracker. It was very nice we got a treat. We had a fantastic performance. Here is what the treat looks like.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Learning My Name In Mandarin.
This week for Mandarin we learnt how to write and say our names in Mandarin. My name was pretty hard to find in Mandarin. Since it was hard we had to break my name down into little bits. I really enjoyed learning my name and other names as well.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
In Term 3 we have had Mandarin classes. We have been working on worksheets, singing songs, counting to 12, learning the Alphabet. Miss Li teaches us that it's always fun to learn different languages. I hope we get to learn more different languages.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Social Justice Week.
For Social Justice Week we made feathers. All these feathers had different words like Include, Courage, Promise, Unique and Fair. My word was Unique. Under the word unique I wrote "Always remember you are different and unique in special ways. Always be yourself".
Thursday, 6 September 2018
In the afternoon we had Netball prizegiving. First thing was we played this game which is like netball but you can run with the ball, It was boys vs girls. Obviously girls won, Then the whistle blew which means we are starting the prizegiving. We all rushed over to the turf, we started from Year 3 all the way to Year 6. Finally the pizza arrived but we were still announcing the awards. When we finished everyone quickly rushed to get into the line for pizza. When everyone had pizza we did spot prizes. We got everyone's name but it a container and whoever's name was drawn they will get a prize. Hopefully we do Netball again. It was sad because that will be my last Netball prizegiving after 6 crazy but awesome years of Netball. Hope all the girls had a fun Season.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Abraham and Sarah!
In R.E room 5 separated into 2 groups. The 1st group did a play and the 2nd group did a slideshow. I was in the 2nd group. We each created our own page. The slide I did is the one where Issac is born.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Subtraction Posters

A while ago we got into 2 pairs and made a poster. This poster had to be about Maths Vocabulary such as Subtraction, Divison, Multiplication and Addition. Me and Jemima did Subtraction. We put 3 word problems for Room 8 to solve. Room 8 are very smart with their maths. I hope we can make another poster to show other classes.
Monday, 20 August 2018
In Room 5 we each picked a habitat and did work and a diorama about the habitat. My one is about Coral Reefs. I put fishes,crabs,rocks,grass,coral and of course Louise the mermaid. Louise the mermaid had a very nice routine like brushing her nice curly hair, Keep her tail straight and finally make sure she always look spectacular as always.
Sunday, 19 August 2018
Fan Mail.
In room 5 we wrote fan mails to each other. The teacher
put our names in a bag and who ever we picked out was the person we had to write a fan mail to. Fan mail is mail we write to people and we write something nice, kind and more things. I picked out Gina and wrote things that I like about her and more nice things. When we finished we gave it to Mrs Drummond and she put the fan mails on our desk while we were having morning tea. I loved my fan mail from Frankie. It was so nice what she said about me. I hope we get to do this again.
Sunday, 12 August 2018
Ina and the Shark.
In our Reading this week each of our groups got different myths/legends. We had to pick one story and retell it. Me and Tupou picked the Cook Island one, which is called Ina and the Shark. Our slideshow retells the story of Ina who wanted to actually meet her love in person because they lived far away from each other. We chose this one because they still loved each other no matter what. Hope you enjoy my slideshow.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Mary Mackillop Art.
When we finished our mass of celebrating the life of Mary Mackillop we all (Room 7 and Room 5) gathered and we each were separated in to 2 groups. 1 group in room 7 and the other in room 5. We each had a buddy for the day. We did lots of fun things with our buddies including Mary Mackillop art, Mixing colours to make crazy colours, Finishing our Booklet and many more fun activites.
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Water Colours.

In Science we did a fun experiment.Where we put a dry paper towel and a wet paper towel to see which absorbs the dye better. The ending was very nice and all the different colours looked so pretty together. It was worth waiting for it!!!
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Fraction Flip Book
In Maths we created our own Fraction booklet. We all got one and designed it how we wanted. It's just a booklet to remind us because sometimes we forget which fractions are bigger.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Hauora Hands
In class we drew our own hands and I started to think who can I help? We all did people we know that can help us through times we need help. For my hand I wrote all the people that can help me and they were God/Priest,My Family,Doctor/Nurse,Pet and Friends.
Friday, 27 July 2018
This term for Topic we are going to be learning about different animals and their Evolution.
There are 2 different types of animals 1.Vertebrate( Vertebrates are animals with spines) 2. Invertebrates
(Which are animals without a spine).
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Animal Classification.
Animal Classification
Today we learned about how animals are classified into groups. Animal are either vertebrates (which means they have a spine) or invertebrates (which don't have spines).
Invertebrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects, and octopus.
Vertebrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and a amphibians.
Mammals have fur or hair and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. Reptiles are cold-blooded and lay soft eggs. Amphibians breathe through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. Fish breathe through gills and have fins
5 of each type:
Mammals: Pigs, Wolf, Manatee, Deer, Camel.
Birds: Owl, Duck, Rooster, Ostrich, Eagle.
Reptiles: Tortoise, Lizard, Snakes, Dinosaurs, Gekos
Amphibians: Tomato frogs, Mudpuppy, Western lesser siren, Alligator newt, Frogs
Fish: Stingrays, Shark, Swordfish, Blobfish, Mahi-mahi.
Friday, 20 July 2018
Maori Words.
In Maori we learnt how to say and use the manners, expressions and vocabulary. We started to practiced to say conversations and tried to use the words in the conversations. We also learnt the things we should do and thing we shouldn't do at the marae. Overall the conversations me and my partner had were so fun and hard but mostly I enjoyed learning the different Maori words.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Matariki competition
For Matariki Stardome is holding a competition. The competition is all about Matariki. All you have to do is draw a picture of what you think the Seven Stars look like to you. For my picture I wanted the background to be Galaxy and I drew 7 Stars. Everyone in my class drew Amazing and Creative pictures. It will probably a hard decision to make.
Maori Words and Colours
In Maori we learnt some compliments you could use. We also learnt instructions like run,jump and many more. We also learnt all the colours of the Rainbow. Hopefully we could use these these compliments and colours some day.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Why We Need Water.
In Topic our class got into groups and made or own posters about why we need water?.
In my group we all wrote a little sentence about how water is good for us and why we need water?
We each got to draw something on the poster.
In my group we had Me,Tupou,Po'oi and Molly H. For the poster Molly wanted a baby to be in it so I drew a baby Girl for her. She also drew some hearts for her baby.
My Limerick.
My sister had a large dress
that looked like a couple of jets.
She tried to hand it back in
but they put her in the bin
My sister's dress.
Healthy Eating.

For shared lunch we each had to bring
something that was healthy. The item I brought were some Asian Pears,Yogurt with different flavours,Golden Kiwifruits and Mandarins.
Matariki Stars.
For Matariki our class had decided to do something nice for Matariki. First we had to pick 5 of the Matariki sisters for each separate star. For my Star I chose Ururangi, Waiti, Waita, Tupuanuku and Tupuarangi. They were very interesting to learn about especially because I didn't know much about them when I had started.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
What do we meaning by Saving Work?
In R.E we did a mini comic strip about someone helping another person especially when they are nervous and shy. In my comic strip the main character (Tutu) had ripped her pants then someone (Ruru) saw and gave her his jumper so Tutu can cover herself. When Tutu went and changed to different pants they became best friends. We wrote this so we can start trying to follow in God's footsteps.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
To Ice Cream
Your flavours are always smelling wonderful
Your Sprinkles are as colorful as the Rainbow
You are as cold as Snow
You make me laugh and always bring joy to me.
Oh, Ice Cream , how I adore you!
Your flavours are always smelling wonderful
Your Sprinkles are as colorful as the Rainbow
You are as cold as Snow
You make me laugh and always bring joy to me.
Oh, Ice Cream , how I adore you!
Friday, 29 June 2018
Book Review
This week in class we chose a book we would like to do a book review about. The book I chose was Smile by Raina Telgemeier. We all got little booklets and we had to answer and draw some scenes about Smile. Overall Smile was an awesome book to do. It was full of up's and down's especially when the main character had broken her teeth. Hope I can read another book like Smile.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Cross Country
On Tuesday 6th of June we had our School Cross Country. For our year we had to do 2 whole laps around the whole obstacle. In this picture It's me and Bella cheering each other on but we did this whole race together and we crossed the finish line together.
Friday, 25 May 2018
Country Research.

This week in class we did a research about different countries we would like to learn about. I chose to do my research on Israel. I picked Israel because I didn't know much but it and I wanted to learn more and more about its culture. When I had finished I had learnt lots of facts and details about Israel. Overall it was fun and exciting.
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Friday, 18 May 2018
For Health we learnt what our bodies need from food to survive. We also learnt what a balanced diet is.
We did colours of the rainbow and we put Vegetables and Fruits with them I did:
Green-Green Grapes
Blue-Blue Berries
Indigo & Violet-Eggplant and Grapes.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
My Poem about the Storm.
This is a poem about the storm last night.
The Storm
I see trees falling onto the slippery roads.
I hear the wind going everywhere and the heavy lighting.
I smell the fire the neighbours are lighting for warmth.
I taste the rain speeding down from the sky.
I touch the tiny goosebumps scatterd around my body.
I feel gloomy and drowsy.
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
My Memwha
My Street
My street was Usual enough
it had:
it had:
Lots of different looking houses, lots of Multicultural children
Lots of equipment to play with like Soccer balls, Basketballs, Scooters, Bikes, Skateboard, Rugby balls.
We played lots of games like touch, tag, dodge ball, ran races and many more fun games.
Doing nothing important
We played lots of games like touch, tag, dodge ball, ran races and many more fun games.
Doing nothing important
Friday, 30 March 2018
Good Friday
Today in Religious Education we learnt the special meanings behind these symbols of Good Friday.
The symbols are all linked to the Good Friday mass which happens at 3pm.
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
My Pepeha
Ko Aotearoa t̄oku whenua.
Ko Akarana toku taone
Ko Puketapapa toku maunga
Ko Waitemata toku moana
Ko Tonga toku waka
Ko Emma toku mama
Ko Sami toku papa
Ko Setaita toku ingoa
Friday, 16 February 2018
All About Me.
Hello, my name is Setaita. I am 10 years old turning 11 on December 20th. I'm a year 6 and I'm a Special Character leader, I like to play sports like netball and hockey but I really enjoy swimming too. My favourite things to do is going to the beach or pools with my family, I really enjoy reading books especially Raina Telgemeier's books.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Year 6 Camp.
At camp my group was called Stingrays. In this picture the activity we were doing was Raft Building. The Stingrays used 4 blue barrels a couple of pieces of wood and a long strip of ropes to connect altogether. All together the goal was to put the 4 barrels together. We had to push the wood on each side up and down and strapped the rope so when we had finished the final product was 4 barrels with 2 woods on each side and a rope to put the woods together. The overall review was Excellent. It could float,jump over the waves,make big bombs.I hope I'll get to go M.E.R.C again.
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