Tuesday, 20 February 2018

My Pepeha

Ko Aotearoa t̄oku whenua.
Ko Akarana toku taone
Ko Puketapapa toku maunga
Ko Waitemata toku moana
Ko Tonga toku waka
Ko Emma toku mama
Ko Sami toku papa
Ko Setaita toku ingoa

Friday, 16 February 2018

All About Me.

Hello, my name is Setaita.  I am 10 years old turning 11 on December 20th.   I'm a year 6 and I'm a Special Character leader, I like to play sports like netball and hockey but I really enjoy swimming too.  My favourite things to do is going to the beach or pools with my family, I really enjoy reading books especially Raina Telgemeier's books. 

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Year 6 Camp.

At camp my group was called Stingrays. In this picture the activity we were doing was Raft Building. The Stingrays used 4 blue barrels a couple of pieces of wood and a long strip of ropes to connect altogether. All together the  goal was to put the 4 barrels together. We had to push the wood on each side up and down and strapped the rope so when we had finished the final product was 4 barrels with 2 woods on each side and a rope to put the woods together.  The overall review was Excellent. It could float,jump over the waves,make big bombs.I hope I'll get to go M.E.R.C again.